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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our Anniversary

Today was mine and SLH's 14th Wedding Anniversary. 14 years ago I married the man that I know God sent my way. If you were to ask me what the most memorable and best day of my life was, I would say my wedding day. It was everything and more that I had hoped and imagined it would be.

We were introduced by a friend of mine in hygiene school and her husband. Her husband went to Mississippi College with SLH and they set us up on a blind date. Yes, I said blind date...they do work. :) We ate at Kyoto's and then went to their apartment to watch the movie "Summersby". The thing we talk and kid about from our first date is that SLH went to sleep during the movie. Thank goodness I didn't analyze this too much. In his defense he had been working out of town all week and when he was coming back to Jackson he had a flat tire. He did have a hard day and now that I know how quickly he can fall asleep, I know it wasn't the company. He called me the next week and asked me out and I told him I had a big test to study for (I really did). At that point he thought that I wasn't interested and wasn't sure about calling me back. My friend assured him that he definitely needed to call me back. He did and we have been together from that moment on. We dated for a year and a half and 14 years ago he became my husband in my home town of, Magee, MS. Like I said, that was the best day of my life.

My husband is a Godly man who is caring, sensitive, good looking, a hard worker and 4 1/2 years ago he became a loving father to our children. Yes, we have had some hard times over the years. We suffered two miscarriages and then were faced with infertility. SLH was my rock during some times when I wasn't sure I could go on. We prayed and seeked God's Will for us regarding children and he blessed us with 2 beautiful children through adoption that we love as if they were biologically ours. My friend TRP says it best, "Not what we planned but better than we could have imagined".

I love my husband and kids and I thank God for blessing me with much more than I ever deserved. Everyday that I am given to be a part of this family is a gift and I will do my best to not take it for granted and cherish every moment.
I pray that we will be blessed with many more anniversaries to celebrate!

June 17th, 1995...stop laughing at my hair and his glasses. We thought we looked good. ;)


Our Gifts To Each Other: We are planning a weekend trip out of town in the next couple of months, so we had decided not to get each other anything. Well, you know how that goes...SLH gave me a sweet card and a gift card to one of my favorite stores and I gave him a card and book.


awc said...

Happy Anniversary!!! I love the story of y'alls first date and I am glad that he did call you back!! We love y'all and hope y'all get to get away soon and celebrate!!


Will and Carley said...

Happy Anniversary! Blind dates DO work out! Y'all are so cute. (hair and all!)

Lorna said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Hope you have tons of fun on your weekend getaway. guys look like you did 14years ago....what is your secret?

Jeremy and Christy said...

Happy anniversary to you both! You have not aged one bit!!

K Storm said...

Happy Anniversary!