Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, January 25, 2010

Fashion Show

AEH put on a fashion show for us last night. Dressing up and modeling is one of her favorite things to do. She started out as some form of Fancy Nancy.

This was the next. Not really sure who she was trying to be. Just using her imagination.

And she ended on a Princess.

Brother liked the sunglasses and decided to try them on with his pajama's. We couldn't get him to stop picking his nose for the picture. Every time we would tell him to stop or try to move his finger, he would start laughing.

She sang us a song in the mysterious outfit. She sang "How Great is Our God". Interesting choice for this outfit. Don't you just love a child's imagination.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Temporary Home

This is Carrie Underwood's new song and I just love it! I am so blessed and in awe of the life that God has given me. But, as a Christian I have the peace and comfort in knowing that this is my temporary home and one day I will be with HIM. I can't imagine my life without HIM!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Outside Fun

We have been enjoying the nice weather the past two days. Santa brought a trampoline that we really haven't gotten a chance to enjoy because of the rain and cold the last couple of weeks. Poor EMH is doing the best he can to stand and jump, but it can be a little hard for a boy that just started walking 2 months ago.
The main two things that AEH got for Christmas have both been hits. The Wii and the trampoline. She is enjoying both.

Brother is just gonna have to endure this pink car. We hate to buy another one just because of the color.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

"The Wizard of Oz"

We took AEH to see "The Wizard of Oz" last night and just like we thought, she LOVED it! It was a great production with a live orchestra and even a real dog to play "Toto". She sat through the whole play wide eyed and mesmerized by her favorite movie. She even sang along when "Dorothy" sang "Over the Rainbow". When it was over she asked if she could watch it some more. We had a great time and it was so good to share this with her. I am pretty sure that we will be going to many more plays like this one. AEH just loves it! She loves to perform and pretend. Who knows one day we may be watching her on stage. :)

Excited about the show!

She wanted to take her Madame Alexander, Dorothy doll with her. She also has Glenda the Good Witch and the Wicked Witch and wanted to take them too, but I said no. That would have been a little too much to keep up with.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

EMH And The Dryer

It doesn't take much to amuse a 16 month old. I was taking the clothes out of the dryer today and EMH decided to help me like he sometimes does. However this time he found that the dryer did something that was pretty funny. Atleast, to him it was. I love his little belly laugh... it is simply intoxicating to his mommy!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dressed Alike

AEH and EMH were dressed alike for church this morning. I have always liked to see siblings dressed alike and while they don't care, I am taking advantage of it. AEH liked it. She kept telling people at church that she and her brother looked alike.

Not sure what they were doing in this picture.

EMH graduated from the bed babies today at church. It was a little sad because our little boy is growing up and not an infant anymore. I guess they call this age the toddler age. SLH and I kept his class today for extended session. There were 6 children and they were all so cute and very good. They don't really play together at this age but they were so fun to watch. EMH didn't seem to be bothered by us being in there. He didn't seem jealous or clingy to us. He just played and had fun. He adjusts pretty well and doesn't seem insecure. We are glad for that.

Now, we did have our first temper tantrum yesterday. I was the only one here to witness it and I wish I would have gotten a video of it. He kicked, rolled around on the floor and screamed. I asked him if he was hungry or sleepy and if he wanted milk. Usually when he is upset it is one of these. I finally just put him in his high chair and after a little bit he did settle down and eat. I think it was hungry and sleepy. He was just so mad, he couldn't even decide what he wanted. AEH never really had temper tantrums, she was just defiant and said no. This is new. Maybe a boy thing. I am sure we will see another one pretty soon. Maybe I can get it on video. :) It would be great to have to show him one day.

We have a busy week. Both of them have checkup appointments tomorrow. AEH will get the dreaded 5 year old shots. I hear it's pretty bad and there are several.

I have two continuing ed courses this week and a couple of tennis matches.

AEH has her friend MC's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese and she is looking forward to that.

We are taking AEH to the "Wizard of Oz" play Friday night. That is her favorite movie and if you remember, she was Dorothy this past Halloween. It will be fun to share this with her and see her enjoy herself. I even found her a smocked dress with the characters on it. She is SO excited and so are we.

Have a great week!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

EMH Talking

My new camera that I got for Christmas has video on it. I was playing with it tonight and trying to get EMH to say a few words on it. He played along with me for a little while. He is talking a lot more now and is even trying to put two words together. Of course he usually doesn't do it on command, only when he wants too. You will see and hear AEH coming in to let us know that she got a point on the Wii playing tennis and then later wanting some milk.
SLH went over to his boss's house to watch the game tonight, so the kids and I have been hanging out and playing the Wii.
I am excited about this video option on my camera. It will be fun to post some video of the kids.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Beat By a Five Year Old

We got a Wii for Christmas and somebody is playing it REALLY WELL!!! That would be AEH and not me! She is beating me at bowling. We have been playing it at night after bath time and before will notice in the picture she is in her pajamas with wet hair. She loves it and wants to play it over and over. We have never seen anything keep her attention this long other than a movie. We don't have many games right now but we are really enjoying what we have. EMH even likes watching it and joins in on the clapping when we do good.

Be sure to check out the little boy digging around in his toy basket in the lower left corner of the picture.

Not only is my 5 year old beating me but my sweet husband is beating me in tennis. Yes, and I am NOT happy. I play tennis much more than he does and he is just loving it! I was beating him a couple of days ago but now I can hardly get a game. I am very competitive and I like a challenge, so there will be no giving up on my end.
We are having fun with it and it is great to have something we can all do and spend family time together.
AEH got the movie Mary Poppins for Christmas and the other day when I told her to get ready for us to go somewhere, this is what she came out looking like. She had an umbrella but it didn't make it in the picture. She was also talking like Mary Poppins too. This girl loves to imitate and act. We may have a little actress on our hands.

TUPPERWARE! What kid doesn't like to play with Tupperware. With all the toys he got for Christmas, he still likes the Tupperware. I try to wash it before I use it but sometimes it just gets a good blowing out. Oh well, I guess it won't kill us.

We had a good ole New Years meal yesterday at Meme and Ampy's. We ate our peas, cabbage, and pork. So we are off to a good start in 2010. AEH starts back school next week and I guess I need to get back to the gym. I took off these last two weeks because of so much going on. I am also back to playing tennis. The holiday's were nice but it will be good to get back into a routine. The hardest will be getting to bed earlier so that we can get AEH to school on time.
Looking forward to fun times in 2010! Happy New Year everyone!