Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


We had a great Easter Sunday! It started off with seeing what the Easter Bunny left. AEH was so excited to see what he left. She got some pajamas,a dress up hat and head band, an Alice and Wonderland DVD and of course her favorite, candy. EMH didn't really know what was going on but he loved his puzzle, cell phone, and Elmo camera.

We had a great morning at church celebrating our risen Savior. I had a solo in a song that the choir sang so I had to be at church early and SLH was left to get the kids ready. Other than not getting the right shoes on EMH, he did pretty good.

After church we went to Meme and Ampy's. It was an extra special day because it was also Ampy's birthday. This was only the second time in his life that his birthday was on Easter. Meme cooked a fabulous meal as always, we hid Easter eggs and just enjoyed watching and playing with the kids.
Happy Birthday Ampy!

AEH had one of her classic moments while we were eating lunch. Since we knew there would be lots of candy later, we told her that she had to eat a decent lunch. SLH was telling her what she had to eat and if she didn't eat it she would not be able to have candy. Well, she didn't like it and in her AEH way she looked at him and said "nail him!" We all had to stop a second to process what she said and then we just couldn't help but laugh. Lets just say we were at least glad she was listening and learned something about Easter this year.

We all just loved how he held his bucket.

EMH got tired of the egg hunting and went to play in the sand box with his Aunt Kip.

His first sucker...and he LOVED it!

AEH found an egg she liked! Oh, and she did eat some lunch. :)

Not sure what this thing is called but AEH got it for Christmas. Some sort of tree swing.

SLH took EMH for a ride.

And I even gave it a try. SLH just loved pushing me fast.

We ended the day at Juju and Granddad's.

EMH got a train.

AEH got a sewing machine.

Playing some tennis.

EMH riding his tricycle.

And this is my dining room table after all the Easter baskets and goodies. These kids sure are blessed! And so are we!!!

1 comment:

K Storm said...

Fun times! Sissy would love that swing thing...I think she would call it a zip line.