AEH played for about 30 min. and then she fickled out on us. She went and laid on a bench and gave several reasons why she didn't want to get back out there. Not sure what was going on with her. She kept asking where we were going for lunch, she said her stomach didn't feel good and then she fell off of the bench that she was laying on. A nice man went and got her a lawn chair and she laid there the rest of the time. Who knows?? She went with my mom a couple of weeks ago and she may have just gotten bored with it. It is border line being to young for her age. She likes to swim and there is no pool just sprinkler type things. She perked up when we got ready to go. We went to Abner's and ate and she acted fine the rest of the time.
It was fun just hanging out with our friends. I do have a few pictures that we took when we first got there.
Looks like fun...I think sometimes our kids like to keep us guessing and do the unexpected.
I'm so glad we were able to make it even though it was just for a little while. When you figure out your child, please talk to me and let me know how you did it so I can figure out mine!! :)
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